Linked data at the BNE
Access to the portal has been developed by the Biblioteca Nacional de España and the Ontology Engineering Group for the target audience of library users and IT developers specialising in Semantic Web technologies.
This is an experimental project for end users and researchers, which aims to make bibliographic data more accessible and easier to explore in a way that is totally different from traditional catalogues, offering a completely new browsing experience that is completely unlike the traditional approach, bringing together the library's various resources and enriching its own data with external information.
For the IT specialist it provides access to a databank described in semantic language, which can be reused by experts and developers. This has been done by transforming the bibliographic author and subject data from traditional library architecture to Semantic Web models and structures, a technology designed to display data on the website in a way that is easier to reuse and link with other applications, harnessing the links between the data, both internal and external. Through this initiative, the Biblioteca Nacional has taken up the challenge of publishing its bibliographic catalogues and authority files in RDF format (Resource Description Framework), in line with the Linked Data system, both of which are fundamental Semantic Web components. This brings Spain into line with the initiatives already undertaken by other major libraries (France, United Kingdom, Germany and the Library of Congress, for example)
The licence covering the data is CC0 (Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication), which is completely open and designed to encourage data reuse. This sees the BNE doing its part to help the Spanish public sector meet its openness and data reuse commitments, as set forth in Royal Decree 1495/2011, of 24 October, on the reuse of public sector information, as well as the proposal of the CENL (Conference of European National Librarians).
The data can be accessed via the portal itself, by content negotiation, or by using the Sparql interface, which is intended for specialists. Data can also be downloaded in full.
For further information or comments on the information offered in this portal, please write to