Directors of the BNE
First Stage (1712-1761)
In the decree of foundation, 2 january 1716, provides that the Director-General should be the confessor of the king that delegated to the conduct of business in More Librarian. This is the case between 1712 and 1761.
The directors-general were:
- Pedro Robinet (01/03/1712 - 06/03/1715)
- Juan Francisco de Roda (interino) (15/03/1715 - 16/08/1715)
- Guillaume Daubenton (16/08/1715 - 07/08/1723)
- Gabriel Bermúdez (07/08/1723 - 19/01/1724)
- Juan Marín (20/01/1724 - 20/10/1724)
- Gabriel Bermúdez (31/12/1724 - 23/09/1726)
- William Clarke (07/10/1726 - 19/08/1743)
- Jacques Antoine Fèvre (13/09/1743 - 22/04/1747)
- Francisco Rávago de Noriega (22/04/1747 - 30/09/1755)
- Manuel Quintano Bonifaz (30/09/1755 - 11/12/1761)
Librarians above were:
- Gabriel Álvarez de Toledo y Pellicer de Tovar (01/03/1712 - 17/01/1714)
- Juan Francisco de Roda (interino) (17/01/1714 - s.d./09/1715)
- Juan de Ferreras García (s.d./09/1715 - 08/06/1735)
- Blas Antonio Nasarre y Ferriz (10/06/1735 - 13/04/1751)
- Juan Manuel Santander Zorrilla (26/10/1751-23/09/1783)
Second Stage (1761-1861)
Following the promulgation, on 11 december 1761, of the constitutions ready by Juan Manuel de Santander, a new phase in which the librarian greater serves as director of the Royal Library, which, since 1836, called the Biblioteca Nacional.
The directors of this period were:
- Francisco Pérez Bayer (14/03/1783 - 27/01/1794)
- Pedro Luis Blanco (28/01/1794 - 06/07/1799)
- Antonio Vargas Laguna (06/07/1799 -16/12/1800)
- Pedro de Silva Sarmiento (16/12/1800 - 03/04/1808)
- Juan Crisóstomo Ramírez Alamanzón (03/04/1808 - 12/11/1811)
- Leandro Fernández de Moratín (12/11/1811 - 10/08/1812)
- Juan Crisóstomo Ramírez Alamanzón (10/08/1812 - 03/12/1812)
- Paulino Bonifaz (en ausencia de Leandro fernández de Moratín) (09/12/1812 - 27/05/1813)
- Juan Crisóstomo Ramírez Alamanzón (21/06/1813 - 08/06/1814)
- Juan de Escoiquiz (18/06/1814 - 20/11/1820)
- Francisco Antonio González (29/11/1820 - 23/10/1833)
- Tomás Mauricio López Gosseaume (interino) (23/10/1833 - 10/11/1833)
- Isidro Riaza (interino) (10/11/1833 - 10/12/1833)
- Diego Clemencín y Vines (10/12/1833 - 30/07/1834)
- Joaquín María Patiño (01/08/1834 - 28/11/1840)
- Martín de los Heros (28/11/1840 - 14/08/1843)
- Eugenio de Tapia García (14/08/1843 to 30/05/1847)
- Manuel Breton de los Herreros (30/05/1847 - 20/10/1854)
- Agustín Durán de Vicente (20/10/1854 - 01/12/1862)
Third Stage (1854-Actualidad)
Pursuant to royal decree of 3 december 1856, which organizes the Biblioteca Nacional, the figure of the Director of the Biblioteca Nacional, so-called since 1836, replacing the name of Librarian.
The current head is Óscar Arroyo Ortega.
- Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch Martínez (11/12/1862 - 22/10/1875)
- Cayetano Rossell y López (22/10/1875 - 26/03/1883)
- Jenaro Alenda y Mira de Perceval (interino) (27/03/1883 - 11/10/1884)
- Manuel Tamayo y Baus (12/10/1884 - 20/06/1898)
- Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo (07/07/1898 - 08/06/1912)
- Francisco Rodríguez Marín (08/06/1912 - 24/07/1930)
- Miguel Jerónimo Artigas Ferrando (24/07/1930 - 23/10/1936)
- Tomás Navarro Tomás (23/10/1936 - 31/03/1939)
- Miguel Jerónimo Artigas Ferrando (01/04/1939 - 10/03/1947)
- Nicolás Fernández-Victorio y Pereyra (interino) (14/10/1946 - 03/03/1948)
- Luis Morales Oliver (27/02/1948 - 22/02/1957)
- Ricardo Blasco Génova (interino) (28/02/1957 - 07/06/1958)
- Cesáreo Goicoechea Romano (09/05/1958 - 10/11/1960)
- Miguel Bordonau Mas (02/11/1961 - 04/04/1967)
- Guillermo Guastavino Gallent (05/04/1967 - 24/10/1974)
- Hipólito Escolar Sobrino (23/10/1975 - 31/10/1985)
- Jerónimo Martínez Gonzaléz (interino) (13/01/1986 - 08/06/1986)
- Juan Pablo Fusi Aizpurúa (09/06/1986 - 03/05/1990)
- Alicia Girón García (24/05/1990 - 09/01/1992)
- Carmen Lacambra Montero (08/11/1991 - 15/07/1994)
- Carlos Ortega Bayón (15/07/1994 - 31/05/1996)
- Luis Alberto de Cuenca y Prado (31/05/1996 - 05/05/2000)
- Jon Juaristi Linacero (12/05/2000 - 23/03/2001)
- Luis Racionero Grau (04/04/2001 - 14/05/2004)
- Rosa Regàs Pagés (14/05/2004 - 31/08/2007)
- Milagros del Corral Beltrán (10/09/2007 - 07/05/2010)
- Gloria Pérez-Salmerón (09/07/2010 - 18/02/2013)
- Ana Santos Aramburo (18/02/2013 - 14/02/2024)
- Óscar Arroyo Ortega (14/02/2024 - )