Allegations of law

Under the symbol Porcones identifies a fund consisting of allegations in law, documents, both print and manuscripts, were presented in the proceedings by the parties involved, because it contained information that those involved in a civil case offered to judges so that these had evidence in writing.

Of them has taken this designation by the union of the words (“ By ” and “ With ”) that highlighted tipográficamente, appear on the front pages of the print media to introduce to each of the parties (litigant and defendant). Are printed jurídico-administrativa nature and represent editorial product that today is preserved.

Many of these cases deal with issues of inheritance (mayorazgos, links and succession), as well as hidalguías and other matters related to the rights of nobility. As a whole, to reflect the political history, social and economic detailed, through proceedings which the different cases and segments of society, as such, important object of study for the historic period covered.

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