+ 34 91 580 78 44
The donation is a free help to enrich and increase in the collections of libraries.
The Biblioteca Nacional de españa accepts donations of all kinds of documents butnot accept this alldue to the existing procurement policy and the need for sustainability in all its processes. More information can be found in the donation policy.
How to make a donation
The steps to follow arethe following:
- To note that the work is not already on the catalogthe Library.
- Make a proposal for a donation by any of the following options:
- Personally, in the Biblioteca Nacional, or in any of the consultation Rooms of the institution
- Through the form on the web
- The Library will respond to your proposalas a donation within 30 days.
- If the proposal is accepted,send your gift por correo ordinario o depositarlo en el Registro de la Biblioteca junto con the acceptance.
NOTE:The Libraryno commitment to returndonations received that have not previously been accepted.