Religious and liturgical manuscripts

The fund of religious manuscripts liturgical and of the BNE highlights not only for their wealth, but also for their beautiful copies with thumbnails. They include treaties liturgical cult, books and books of hours, the BNE has an important collection, representing all the european schools.

The origin is diverse. Stand Out from the library of Juan Francisco Pacheco Téllez Girón, duke consort de Uceda (1711), library seized by Felipe V after the war of secession. As viceroy of Sicily, codices collected from the cathedral of messina and of other churches of Italy.

Important in terms of quantity and quality are the credits from the cathedral of Toledo, which include those collections visigóticos and collected by the cardinals Lorenzana Zelada and in the late 18th century.

There is no shortage of copies decorated royalty or for the families of the nobility, and for the great leaders, such as Pontificales for use by Alonso Using Refrigirator: Every Night, archbishop of Toledo and Luis de acuña, bishop of Burgos

Where available
