Interlibrary loan for users


From monday to friday from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.


+ 34 91 580 78 99

What´s about?

The Interlibrary Loan Service enables users with a Spanish National card to access documents belonging to other Spanish and foreign libraries, whether through copying or borrowing the original work.

What can be requested?

It is possible to request any kind of document through the Interlibrary Loan Service, although it is the library possessing the work that stipulates its borrowing regulations. Before making the request, the user must ensure that the document is not in the Biblioteca Nacional de España.

How to make a request?

Registration for the Interlibrary Loan service and the corresponding application can be processed easily by sending an e-mail to with the following mandatory data:

  • Details of the applicant: Name, surname(s), postal address, telephone number and current BNE card number.
  • Details of the work requested: Author, title, year of publication, article or chapter and pages needed.
  • Details of the library where the work is.

In accordance with the Biblioteca Nacional de España's 2022-2025 Service Charter we will contact you to provide you with the corresponding clarifications and information about how the request will be handled within 3 working days of receiving the request.

All requests are processed for research purposes only.

Where can you consult the publications?

Once the Biblioteca Nacional de España receives the publication, the user can collect it at the Interlibrary Loan Service and view it in the Larra Newspaper and Magazine room.

Any publication received, in original format or as a copy, will be used in accordance with the legislation governing Intellectual Property. Any infringement through breach of the same will be the user's responsibility.

How much does it cost?

This service is not free. It is the supplier library that sets the cost of the service. The Biblioteca Nacional de España does not charge for arranging this.

The Spanish National Library will request an estimate from the supplying library, and will send it to the user to pay, thus confirming their request.

How to pay?

The fee set by the lending libraries shall be paid in advance:

  • Bank transfer:
    • Name: “Cuenta de Ingresos por Servicios de Préstamo Interbibliotecario”
    • Account number: ES80 9000 0001 2 0 0200009458 (Banco de España. C/ Alcalá, 48. 28014. Madrid).
    • To identify the payment, the request identifier number that appears in the estimate must be stated. (send to:
  • Debit or credit card at the interlibrary loan service (Recoletos branch. 4th floor of the north complex, Room 1)
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Interlibrary loan for libraries

Any foreign or Spanish library can make a request for interlibrary loan to the BNE