Self service


From Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Incidents in reprography self-service:
+34 91 580 78 64
Additional information

Check public fees.

what´s about?

Direct reproductions, up to a maximum of 20 per cent of a book after 1958 or of a comprehensive article on a periodic publication after 1958, provided that the state of conservation permits and form part of the BNE. For a greater number of copies or of a document prior to 1959, it would be necessary to obtain reproduction by means of order form our website.

Next steps

  • Creating an account from computers for library users. 

The account is personal to each user, who manages and you can see information about the activity carried out at the same.

  • Load the account balance.

You must access the “Reprografía_lectores” link with a username and password, enabled on all computers for library users, and load the account with the balance you need (only payment by credit/debit card is accepted).

  • Make reproductions in multifunctional teams distributed in each of the library's consultation rooms and in the space before the entrance to the Mesetón of the María Moliner Reading Room on the 2nd floor.

Types of self-service

  • Direct photocopies in black and white (A4 and A3)
  • Direct photocopies color (A4 and A3)
  • Hard copies (black and white) from microfilme or digital (A4 and A3)
  • Hard copies (color) from digital (A4)
  • Colour digital capture