Public Domain authors
In this page provides information on spanish authors whose works are at the national library of spain and spend each year to the public domain according to the information on the BNE catalogues can be edited, reproduced or disseminated publicly.
Each year were selected from among these authors some of particular interest for digitizing and made available to their works in the Digital library Hispánica, the portal that provides access to digitised funds of the library.
Similarly, there are Authors in the BIBLIOGRAPHY profiles of these authors do not necessarily or at the forefront, with links to our catalog and other resources, with a view to make them known and regain their work for citizens.
This is an open and collaborative list, so that anyone can help your development and enrichment proposing corrigenda, data or names that do not appear in the catalogues of bibliography, writing
- List of authors whose work has gone public domain in 2023 (who died in 1942)
- List of authors whose work has become public domain recently (killed between 1900 and 1942)
In addition to these short listed have been created complete files with all the data available on the authority of the BIBLIOGRAPHY, and have been published as open data sets and reusable in different formats in the catalogue of datos.gob, following the strategy for the BNE for opening up and promote the reuse of your data and digital collections, and in the framework of BNElab.
- Files of authors in the public domain in 2023 (who died in 1942)
- Files of authors who died between 1900 and 1942
Information published in these files is the one that is included in catalogues and sources of information for the Bibliography.
In the case of Spain, rights of exploitation a work are still 70 years after the author's death are computed and since 1 january of the year following the death or statement of his death. However, the deadline is 80 years for the perpetrators who died before 7 december 1987. After this period, works to the public domain.