Public prices of document reproduction

Self-service reproduction prices

These prices do not include VAT (21% for reproductions).

1. Direct photocopy (maximum of 20% of a book published after 1958): Prices
b/w A4 €0.12
b/w A3 €0.17
Colour A4 €1.24
Colour A3 €1.65
2. Paper copies from microfilm or digital media Prices
b/w A4 €0.12
b/w A3 €0.17
Colour A4 €1.24
3. Digital capture (maximum of 20% of a book published after 1958): Prices
Digital capture €0.08
4. Cards of copies on paper from microfilm or digital medium: Prices
10 copies b/w A4 €1.24
20 copies b/w A4 €2.48
50 copies b/w A4 €6.20

Reproduction prices per order

These prices do not include VAT (21% for reproductions).

1. Copies of digital files (JPG or PDF, around 150 dpi [1]): Prices
B&W, greyscale or colour (depending on original). Each image €0.41
B&W, greyscale or colour (depending on original). 40 or more images (from the same document, correlative pages) €16.53
2. Copies of high resolution digital files (TIFF/RGB, 300 dpi resolution). Full document or single images. B&W, greyscale or colour (depending on original): Prices
Per image (from originals up to a maximum of A3) €4.96
Per image (from originals up to a maximum of A0) €14.05
Details, enlargements or special lighting €9.92
3. Audio recordings on CD: Prices
From digital format: full document longer than 25 min. €20.25
From digital format: full document up to 25 min. or fragment (minimum price up to 4 min.) €3.10
*Times over 4 minutes will be billed per additional minute €0.83
From analogue format: full document longer than 25 min. €25
From analogue format: full document up to 25 min. or fragment (minimum price up to 4 min.) €4.13
*Times over 4 minutes will be billed per additional minute €1.16
4. Audio-visual recordings on DVD: Prices
From analogue or digital format: full document longer than 25 min. €20.25
From analogue or digital format: full document up to 25 min. or fragment (minimum price up to 4 min.) €3.10
*Times over 4 minutes will be billed per additional minute €0.83
5. Copies on standard (80g) paper from a microfilm or digital medium (on A4, regardless of the size of the original document): Prices
Per A4 page in B&W or greyscale €0.41
Per A4 page in colour €1.32
6. CD or DVD for recordings €1.65 each

[1] [For text files after 1830 it includes OCR]

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Payment methods of reprographics

Payment with credit or debit card via Internet, bank transfer or deposit into checking account.