Payment methods of reprographics

• Payment online with credit or debit card.

• Bank transfer

  1. Name: “Biblioteca Nacional de España – Ingresos por los servicios de Reprografía”
  2. Account number:BANCO DE ESPAÑA (C/ Alcalá, 48. 28014. Madrid): IBAN ES2490000001200200009399
  3. Concept: identifier number (RDFI) that appears in the estimate must be stated.

• Debit or credit card at the Reprographic Office (Check opening hours)

If, for technical reasons, the final price for the copying work done is less than the amount given in the estimate, the Library will reimburse the remaining amount to the requesting party. When the difference is in favour of the Library, the requesting party will have to pay the new amount

The deadline for lodging a claim or complaint is two months from the date on which the order is received.

Related contents
General information
Public prices of document reproduction

Self-service and on-demand reproduction prices.